Below is a list of the services available to be provided by TNJmultiservicesLLC. If you do not see you are looking for below, please contact us at contactus@tnjmultiservicesllc.com with your questions – it may be possible for such services to be offered.
H.V.AC./electrical work
As a certified H.V.AC. and electrical handyman, TNJMultiServicesLLC is a safe choice to assist in related projects, maintenance, or repairs.
Sheetrock or plaster installation
Both for ceilings or walls, TNJMultiServicesLLC will offer a clean finished product for a reasonable price to assist in your renovations or remodeling
No matter where you need tile work done, whether on the floors, walls, or ceiling, [business owner] will provide you with the finished product you are looking for.
Taping services are offered for installing drywall or sheetrock.
TNJMultiServicesLLC is a multitalented handyman that offers his services for miscellaneous repairs.
& Many more
If you do not see you are looking for below, please contact us at contactus@tnjmultiservicesllc.com with your questions – it may be possible for such services to be offered.